Thursday, October 25, 2012

Unsolicited Advice

It has now been a year since I was studying abroad in Italy and younger students have been asking me questions about my time abroad. So here is my unsolicited advice to everyone thinking about studying abroad anywhere: 

-Reflect on our own life before you decide to go abroad. Decide if it's a good idea for you as an individual (don't just do it because everyone studies abroad their junior year).
-Read about the culture of the place where you will be living.
-Do a beginners course on the language—Rosetta Stone or Pimsleur, just to get your footing
-Set goals for your trip and know that you won’t be able to complete all of them.
-Try to have as few expectations as possible
-When you’re packing, don’t forget things that will help you feel comfortable. Bring a pair of sweatpants, that stuffed animal that reminds you of your sister
-Make a budget!
-Research travelling prices ahead of time

Most of all...have fun. You'll probably only get to have an experience like this once so take advantage of everything.